



片段: Where there were mice and cockroaches.
片段: A movie that inspires deep emotions.
片段: Analyzing the characters' motives.


修改后的句子: Peter left the apartment where there were mice and cockroaches.
修改后的句子: I went to see "The Silver Star," a movie that inspires deep emotions.
修改后的句子: Analyzing the characters' motives is central to understanding a novel.


修改后的句子: This is where there were mice and cockroaches.
修改后的句子: A movie that inspires deep emotions is rare.
修改后的句子: Analyzing the characters' motives is important.


注意: 有时候,一个完整的句子可能看似一个子句,因为它在开头的文字群组之遗漏一个逗号。当您用一个从属子句开始一个句子时,请记得在该从属子句之打个逗号。


错误: If we have enough time this weekend we'll go to see the cherry trees in bloom.

在此句子中, "...we'll go to see the cherry trees in bloom"是一个可以独立存在的独立子句。"If we have enough time this weekend"是一個不可独立存在的从属子句。使用一个逗号來分开开头的从属子句及独立子句:

正确: If we have enough time this weekend, we'll go to see the cherry trees in bloom.


您可能有连写句。连写句指的是两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子。连写句可能使人非常困惑。例如: My sister loves to dance she is very good at it


1. 把连写句分成两个独立的句子。
连写句: My sister loves to dance she is very good at it.
修改后的句子: My sister loves to dance. She is very good at it.

连写句: Jim showed us his ticket someone gave it to him.
修改后的句子: Jim showed us his ticket. Someone gave it to him.

2. 使用对等连接词或标点来连接连写句中的不同部分。以下是常用的对等连接词: and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet。 

连写句: My sister loves to dance she is very good at it.
修改后的句子: My sister loves to dance, and she is very good at it.

连写句: She agreed to chair the meeting she didn't come.
修改后的句子: She agreed to chair the meeting, but she didn't come.

3. 使用从属连词来连接连写句中的不同部分。
以下是常用的从属连词: after, although, as, because, before, if, since, unless, until, when, whereas, while 

连写句: My sister loves to dance she is very good at it.
修改后的句子: My sister loves to dance because she is very good at it.

连写句: Maria and John like skiing Karen does not.
修改后的句子: Although Maria and John like skiing, Karen does not.

4. 使用分号来连接连写句中的不同部分。 

连写句: Gordon laughed at Sandy's joke it was funny.
修改后的句子: Gordon laughed at Sandy's joke; it was funny.

连写句: I thought he was here I was wrong.
修改后的句子: I thought he was here; I was wrong.

总结:连写句指的是两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子。通常,您可以使用标点符号或连接词来修改句子。若您需要更多指点,您可以请教您的指导教师。使用图尼丁,进行论文查重系统基于:Turnitin CrossCheck ' Thenticate,适用于:毕业论文、留学生Essay、外文投稿;免费赠送检测码以及语法报告,并支持开设电子发票。
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