
专家相信,句子的平均长度应该是在15 至 20 个字之间。这种长度可以让读者轻松地吸收您的句子内容。例如,下列的句子可能让人难以理解,因为它的长度太长:
My favorite place to visit is my grandparents' house near the lake where we love to fish and swim, and we often take the boat out on the lake.
My favorite place to visit is my grandparents' house near the lake. We love to fish and swim there, and we often take the boat out on the lake.
Benjamin Franklin, who was one of America's "founding fathers," helped write the Declaration of Independence. He invented many things, such as bifocals and the Franklin stove, and he discovered electricity. Electricity. Where would we be without it?
Benjamin Franklin, who was one of America's "founding fathers," helped write the Declaration of Independence. He invented many things, such as bifocals and the Franklin stove, and he discovered electricity, which became very important to modern life.


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