
A, an, 和 the 被称冠词限定词。修饰词语告诉我们有多少个或哪几个。例如:
•     a thinker
•     an apple
•     the house
•     a car
•     an old house
•     the newspapers
英语有两种冠词。A 和 an 是所谓的不定冠词。The 是定冠词。
何时使用 "a/an":
当名词指的是一组人、事、物里的其中一员时,把 a 或 an 用在单数名词前。例如:
James must write an essay for his writing class today.
A newspaper is a good source of information on current events.
如果跟在冠词后的名词或限定词是以子音开头,您应该使用 a 为冠词:
•     a basketball
•     a new automobile
但是,若该名词或限定词是以母音(a, e, i, o, u)开头,您应该使用an 为冠词:
•     an elephant
•     an old automobile
A/An 只用在可数名词前。例如:
I received a letter from my sister.
Sending an email is a fast way to communicate with classmates.
This will be a one-time charge to your account.
当指定的名词是一个特定的名词时,您应该使用the 在该名词前(无论是单数或复数)。如果您可以回答“是哪一个?”,使用the 为冠词。例如:
The art class that I want to take is taught by a famous painter.
The students in Mrs. Jones' class do not want to participate in the debate.
此外, the 可以用在下列等方式:
•     To refer to things known to everyone. For example: the sun, the stars, etc.
•     To refer to things that are unique. For example: the White House
•     To refer to time. For example: the past, the present, the future
A/An 不可使用在不可数名词的前面。例如:
I like to drink milk. (牛奶是不可数的)
I like to drink a glass of milk before I go to bed.
用来代表抽象概念的名词(如 anger, beauty, love, poverty, employment)通常不能使用a 或 an 。例如:
Love is a difficult emotion to describe in words.
Money alone cannot buy happiness.
当复数名词为笼统的复数名词时,the 不会被使用。例如:
Computers are helpful tools for student writers. (Computers 笼统地表达“电脑”这一概念,而非特定的电脑。)
The computers in that classroom are used for writing class. (computers 指的是特定一组的电脑。)
不正确: I would buy a house for those reason.
不正确: This kinds of technology will affect people's behavior.
正如一个不定冠词变换跟在其后的名词,如上面的例子,诸如 this 和 those 等字描述跟在其后的名词,明确指出是哪一个。在这些例子中,形容词跟它们描述的名词在数量上不相等。
This 和 that 描述单数名词。These 和 those 描述复数名词。例如:
正确: I would buy that house for these reasons.
正确: This kind of technology will affect people's behavior.
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