
有些字被称为同形同音异义字。这些字有同样的发音,但可能有不同的意思,拼法或用法。同形同音异义字有两种类型— 拼法类似的字与发音类似的字。拼法类似但意思不同的字叫做同形异义字。一个例子是bear";它可代表熊,或是一个动词(意思是承受)。发音类似但意思或拼法不同的字叫做同音异义字。"whole" 和 "hole" 即是同音异义字。 "Whole" 是一个形容词,意思是"完整",而"hole" 是一个名词,代表"洞"。 以下是一些同形同音异义字例子。
here 副词, 意思是"这里"
We have been waiting here for an hour.
hear 动词,意思是"听"
Do you hear the birds singing?
hole 名词,意思是"洞"
The children dug a big hole in their sandbox.
whole 形容词 ,意思是"全部,整个"
Our whole project will involve cooperation from everyone.
its 代名词 ,"it" 的所有格
The kitten hurt its paw.
it's 为"it is"的缩短型
It's not fair to leave her behind.
know 动词,意思是"确定,知道"
Do you know how to get to the subway?
no 副词 ,用来代表"否认或拒绝"
The employee said no to the job offer.
knew 动词 ,“know”的过去式
The boy knew how to count to ten.
new 形容词 ,意思是"新的"
At the start of the school year, the students bought new books.
desert 名词,意思是"沙漠"
It rarely rains in the desert.
desert 动词,意思是"遗弃"
The officer commanded the troops to not desert their posts.
dessert 名词, 意思是"点心"
After a big meal, I enjoy a simple dessert of vanilla ice cream.
to 介係词, 意思是"至"
The man pointed to the sun.
two 意思是" 2"
Five is two more than three.
too 副词,意思是"也"
Tom and Eleanor wanted to go to with them too.
they're 为 "they are"的缩短型
They're both coming to the party.
their 所有代名词, 意思是"他们的"
That is their blue house on the corner.
there 副词,意思是"那里"
Did you see anyone you knew there?
through 副词,意思是"完成或开始至终"
When she was through eating, she put her plate in the sink.
threw "throw" 的动词过去式,意思是"丢"
The first baseman threw the ball to the pitcher.
除了同形同音异义字,英文中的其它单字也有可能容易混淆,因为它们的拼法、发音、意思很类似。一些常见的例子包括accept/except, advice/advise, affect/effect, loose/lose
accept 动词,意思是"收取”, "接受"
accept your kind invitation.
except 介係词,意思是"除了" "排除"
Everyone except Phil can attend the conference.
advice 名词 ,意思是"建议、意见"
He has always given me valuable advice regarding my future plans.
advise 动词,意思是"建议"
advise you to stay in school and study hard.
affect 动词,意思是"影响"
The governor can affect change in education.
effect 名词,意思是"结果"
When students study for tests, they see a positive effect on their grades.
loose 形容词,意思是"松散的", "不紧凑"
She lost her bracelet because it was too loose on her wrist.
lose 动词,意思是"失去","输"
If you don't pay attention to the signs, you might lose your way.
quiet 形容词,意思是"安静、不吵闹"
Please be quiet when other people are speaking.
quit 动词 ,意思是"放弃","停止"
The boys will quit their jobs the week before school starts.
quite 副词,意思是"在某种程度上、挺"
Moving to a new city will be quite a change for my family.
sense 名词,意思是 "认知、意识"或"感官"
My brother had the good sense to keep out of trouble.
The doctor explained that my sense of smell is not functioning well.
since 副词, 意思是"从在过去发生的特定时间/事件到现在;" 连接词,意思是"在…之後"
Ginny has lived in the same house ever since she moved to town.
Karl has worked as an accountant since graduating from college.
than 连接词,在比较两件事物时使用
Her puppy is smaller than mine.
then 副词,意思是"那时候,或之後"
First I will stop at the store, and then I will go home.
这些只是一些在英语中常见的容易混淆的单字的例子。若您不了解e-rater® 为什麽把一个字鑑别为容易混淆的单字时,您可以与指导教师请教。
若您分不出 "a" 与 "an"之间的差别,e-rater® 将会显示为容易混淆单字上的错误。请参阅冠词用法上有关使用"a" 与"an"的规则。

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